By Tag "nanny state"

And you thought Red Light Cameras were a bad idea...
Continuous monitoring of what individuals choose to eat and drink may seem like something out of a dystopian science-fiction, but, if some federally-funded researchers get their way it will soon be a reality. The National Science Foundation has [...]

Your life, liberty, and property is a little bit safer
No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.” ― Mark Twain Of course, Twain was writing before it was common for Presidents to abuse their power with executive orders, otherwise he would [...]

Ron Paul Classic: End FDA censorship!
One of the most outrageous violations of the First Amendment committed by any part of the federal government is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)'s censorship of truthful healthcare claims about foods, dietary supplements,and other [...]

New Jersey repeals law requiring license to shovel snow
This is not a joke.... While preparing for a blizzard, New Jersey repealed a state law requiring young people to get a permit before shoveling snow for money: Just days ahead of an expected blizzard on the East Coast, New Jersey has [...]

Save the Bake Sale!
One of the most ridiculous aspects of the Obama Administration's "nutrition guidelines" is its effect on school bake sales. As Campaign for Liberty's Communication Director Megan Stiles detailed in August 2014: Children hoping to hold bake sales [...]

The Great Alcohol Cover-up
Tomorrow, I will speaking at a press conference regarding Bellion Spirits' petition challenging the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau's (TTB) refusal to allow the company to list NTX as an ingredient in their vodka. One of TTB's [...]

It didn't start with Raw Milk
This morning the House of Representatives will vote on The Commons Sense Nutrition Disclosure Act (HR 2017), legislation making common sense changes to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)'s "menu labeling" rules. Campaign for Liberty supports [...]

This Week in Congress: Feb. 8, 2016
The U.S. Senate wrapped-up business last week by rejecting cloture on the the Energy Policy Modernization Act (S. 2012). Roll call vote is available here. You can read about the problem with this bill here. Today, the U.S. Senate begins [...]

82 years after Prohibition, government still addicted to telling us what to do
December 5 is the anniversary of the ratification of the 21st amendment which repealed federal prohibition of alcoholic beverages. Prohibition was ushered in by the 18th amendment, since back then people understood that a Constitutional [...]

When they came for the Trans fats.....
Last month our national nannies hard-working officials who have our best interest at heart, officially banned trans fat. Manufactures looking to use trans fat in their products will have to seek special permission to use trans fats. As I wrote [...]