By Tag "NDAA" - page 2

Campaign for Liberty joins coalition against increasing spending
Congress may consider the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act Conference Report as early as this week. Sadly, but not surprisingly, this year's NDAA increases spending by "hiding" $38 billion in the Overseas Contingency Operations Fund (OCO). [...]

Who closed the NDAA mark-up?
Following passage of the misnamed "USA FREEDOM Act," the United States Senate has turned its attention to the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This bill was marked up in secret, following a roll-call vote that was taken several [...]

Open the NDAA!
Campaign for Liberty has joined a broad-based coalition on a letter to the Senate Armed Services Committee asking that the committee ”open" the markup of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Opening this markup will allow the [...]
Small steps toward cutting waste in NDAA
Several weeks ago, Campaign for Liberty joined a broad coalition of organizations on a letter to Congress supporting a group of National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) amendments to cut spending on unnecessary and wasteful [...]
Too Much Bipartisanship
A common refrain from talking heads and pundits is that there is too little bipartisanship in Washington. However, Senate "debate" over the FISA Amendments Act reauthorization, and its passage by a vote of 73-23, showed that our Honorary [...]

Pentagon wants less transparency, Campaign for Liberty disagrees
Campaign for Liberty has joined a collation in of groups from across the political spectrum in opposing adding language to the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) changing the rules governing how the Pentagon handles Freedom of [...]

Does the House leadership really want to rein in Obama?
The House GOP leadership talks a lot about "reining in" President Obama's abuse of executive powers yet last week they blocked two amendments to the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would have rolled-back President Obama's [...]
Campaign for Liberty opposes Police Militarization in NDAA
Campaign for Liberty has joined a letter to the Chairs and Ranking members of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees requesting they resist efforts to include language expanding the 1033 program--which provides military equipment to local [...]
Senate Armed Services Committee Violates Senate Rules to Preserve Secrecy
The Senate Armed Services Committee was so desperate to mark-up the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in secret they may have violated Senate Rules to do so. According to Roll-Call: Before the May 21 markup began, CQ Roll [...]
Rand Paul Condemns Indefinite Detention
Referring to indefinite detention as "an abomination," Senator Paul urged his colleagues to vote against the FY 2013 NDAA Conference Report. Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed the [...]