By Tag "NDAA"
ACTION ALERT: That's Classified
In a few hours, the House of Representatives will vote on the conference report for the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Like in years past, this year’s NDAA is a disaster for liberty. . . At a time when the federal deficit [...]

Ron Paul on Cronyism in the NDAA
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul recently penned an op-ed for on how a provision in the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) forbidding the military from using Russian launch technology benefits one powerful [...]

This week in Congress: Obamacare, NDAA, and Merle Haggard
The U.S. House and Senate are back from Independence Day "district work period" to take more of our Independence. The big news is, of course, continued attempts by the Senate to pass an ObamaCare "repeal" bill. The latest proposal floated by [...]

This Week in Congress: Cold War II, Cures for Liberty, and ...
Congress comes back Tuesday this week. The real work will be done off the floor as Congressional leaders continue to work on an end-of-year spending bill. The debate is not just over spending levels and what gifts to special interests to cram [...]

This week in Congress: NDAA
The House of Representatives is continuing to work on amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act. The House is considering NDAA under a rule that automatically repeals the provision requiring woman to register for selective [...]

This Week in Congress: NDAA and Opioids
The big news in the Senate this week is consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Yesterday, cloture was invoked by a vote of 92-4. That vote is here. Since cloture was invoked it is possible that Senator Lindsey Graham [...]

This week in Congress UPDATE on NDAA and FDA
The FDA user Fee Reauthorizaiton Act will contain the provision allowing individuals to purchase hearing aid without obtaining permission from a government-licensed dispenser. Campaign for Liberty members should call their Representatives and [...]

Tell Congress: No More Slush Funds
Campaign for Liberty has joined a coalition letter opposing the increase in Overseas Contingency Operations Fund (OCO) contained in the National Defense Authorizaion Act (NDAA). Since OCO spending is considered "emergency spending," these [...]

The Week in Congress: Will the Senate End the Draft? Will the House Bailout Puerto Rico?
The Senate comes back into session today. The main issue on the Senate agenda is continuing consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Senator Rand Paul has introduced an amendment to the NDAA to end the draft. He also [...]

This week in Congress: NDAA
The House of Representatives is in session Monday through Thursday this week. Of course the big event for the liberty movement takes place off the floor: Tuesday's mark-up of Audit the Fed. The major legislation that will be considered on [...]