By Tag "Obamacare" - page 5
Health Sharing Ministries one more example of why market > govermemnt
One of the arguments commonly made by supporters of government-run health care is that free people are incapable of finding or creating ways to meet their needs for affordable health care. Of course, anyone who understands free-market economics [...]
This is NOT the time to negotiate!
Some Republicans in the Alaska Legislature are trying to NEGOTIATE with Governor Walker on ObamaCare expansion. Rather than call a special session NOW, they’re begging the governor to pause his ObamaCare scheme so they can talk about it in [...]
President Obama repealed the Affordable Care Act
and replaced it with Obamacare.... Writing in the Washington Examiner Michael Cannon, Director of Health Care Policy Studies at the CATO Institute, examines how President Obama, aided and abated by the Supreme Court, has rewritten the [...]
Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare Subsidies
Earlier today the Supreme Court rendered its decision in King v. Burwell. The plaintiffs argued that the part of Obamcare which limited health insurance subsidies to health insurance purchased in an "exchange established by the State" meant that [...]
(Un) Happy Aniversery ObamaCare!
This week marks five years since President Obama singed the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" (ObamaCare) into law. Five years of crashed websites, corporate bailouts, new taxes, lose of medical privacy, and, of course, people who [...]
Is your Representative on record for repealing Obamacare in reconcillation?
Freshman Representative Mark Walker (NC-06) is circulating a letter to House Speaker John Boehner asking that the House leadership fulfill their promise to the American people by using the reconciliation process to repeal Obamacare. Under [...]
Tell Governor Walker to Back off!
Governor Walker is determined to force Alaska to expand ObamaCare. He even had his own appointed attorney general write a letter trying to explain away Walker’s violations of state law. Some legislators are calling for committee hearings to [...]
RON PAUL: Obamacare’s Best Allies: The Courts and the Republicans
By ruling for the government in the case of King v. Burwell, the Supreme Court once again tied itself into rhetorical and logical knots to defend Obamacare. In King, the court disregarded Obamacare’s clear language regarding eligibility for [...]
Heath Insurers Seek Double-Digit Rate Hikes for 2016
Maryland's largest heath insurer, CareFirst, is seeking a 28 percent rate increase for its 2016 individual health care plans. CareFirst says the large hike is due to the cost of insuring sicker and older individuals who enrolled in the ObamaCare [...]
ButtreyCare Blasted to the Senate Floor
In an unprecedented move, Republican Senator Ed Buttrey blasted his own ObamaCare expansion bill (S.B. 405) to the Senate floor. It will be voted on by the full Senate TODAY, March 27. It’s critical you call your State Senator RIGHT NOW, [...]