By Tag "Obamacare" - page 4
Stop ObamaCare in Nebraska
Some legislators in Nebraska just can’t seem to take no for an answer. Sources at the capital are telling me that ObamaCare stooges – like Senator Kathy Campbell and Senator John McCollister – are mounting an effort to force ObamaCare [...]
Gov. Bevin, let's tear it down
“Absolutely. No question about it. I would reverse that immediately.” That’s what candidate Matt Bevin promised in 2015, regarding Kentucky’s careless ObamaCare expansion scheme. “The Medicaid expansion enacted under ObamaCare is [...]
82 years after Prohibition, government still addicted to telling us what to do
December 5 is the anniversary of the ratification of the 21st amendment which repealed federal prohibition of alcoholic beverages. Prohibition was ushered in by the 18th amendment, since back then people understood that a Constitutional [...]
Free Market Coalition to Congress: Support H.R. 2017 to Reform Menu Labeling Rule
Campaign for Liberty joined other free-market organizations in support of H.R. 2017, which would reform the menu labeling requirements, which came out of President Obama's health care law. Read the text of the letter below and call your [...]
Bevin Under Pressure on ObamaCare
Kentucky can get rid of ObamaCare expansion in 2016, but it’s critical you take action now. ObamaCare lackeys are turning up the heat on Governor-elect Matt Bevin in an attempt to continue the budget-busting program, and I'm alarmed to tell [...]
Stop ObamaCare in Alabama
“ObamaCare is a disaster for Alabama.” That’s what Governor Bentley posted on his campaign Facebook account in 2014. “Share this post if you agree with me that Alabama should reject ObamaCare,” he went on. So what did he have [...]
End Walker's ObamaCare Scheme
You are paying the health insurance bills for 97% of Obama’s “newly insured.” ObamaCare stooges swore their scheme would bring prices down, since “everyone would have to pay something in.” According to Heritage Foundation, 97% of [...]
Too much Ominibus
This week Congress will be voting on the $1.140 trillion Ominibus spending bill. As is the case with all these big spending bills that are rushed to the floor before most members have a chance to read them, this year's Ominbus is chocked full of [...]
C4L Signs Letter Opposing Health Insurance Company Bailout
Last week, Campaign for Liberty joined other conservative organizations in signing a coalition letter to Congressional leadership urging opposition to any attempt increase funding for Obamacare's "risk corridor" program. The risk corridor program [...]
Ninety-Seven Percent of ObamaCare’s Newly Insured on Medicaid
You are paying the health insurance bills for 97% of Obama’s “newly insured.” And if Governor Bentley gets his way, you’ll be paying for even more. ObamaCare stooges swore their scheme would bring prices down, since “everyone [...]