By Tag "Online Gambling"

The Feds should leave online gambling to the states
Joey Bradford, campaign consultant and former staffer for Rand Paul and Gary Johnson, has penned an op-ed at the Foundation for Economic Education explaining why a federal ban on online gambling is both dangerous to liberty and [...]

Online Gambling is a Matter of Rights
Paul Meekin from The Liberty Conservative has a must read essay on the importance of the fight against efforts to ban online gambling, including an account of how he was personally effected by the ban. No Strike!? You’re Out – Online [...]

Campaign for Liberty to New Administration: Don't ban online gambling!
While the U.S. House is not in session, the Senate will be in session today until Friday. Cabinet nominations are the main items of business before the Senate. Last week, there were a number of nomination hearings, including one for Attorney [...]

Ron Paul: Regulation of Internet Gambling Should be Left to the States
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia- Today, Campaign for Liberty issued the following statement from C4L Chairman Ron Paul strongly opposing the “Restoration of America’s Wire Act” (H.R. 707), which would institute a federal ban on online gambling thus [...]

Ron Paul Tells House Judiciary Committee to Reject Online Gambling Ban!
C4L Chairman Ron Paul submitted testimony before the House Judiciary Committee today on H.R. 707, "The Restoration of America's Wire Act" which would overturn laws in a number of states by banning online gambling on the federal level. You can [...]

Online gambling next on Sessions's hit list?
Ordering federal attorneys to resume seeking maximum penalties for non-violent drug offenses is not the only action of the Obama Justice Department that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is likely to reverse -- which is really a shame, since there [...]

Make your voice heard against online gaming ban
Please take this special CPAC Survey on online gambling. You can take the survey here.

Does your Attorney General support Bizarro Federalism?
One of the arguments made by proponents of the "Restoration of America's Wireless Act" (HR 707/S. 1668) is that Congress must nullify state laws allowing internet gambling in order to protect the integrity of state laws that forbid Internet [...]

Ron Paul Classic: Oppose the "Sheldon Adelson" iGaming Ban
Representative (and candidate to succeed John Boehner as Speaker of the House) Jason Chaffetz is not only the lead house sponsor of the National Internet Sales Tax Mandate, he is also the lead sponsor of the so-called "Restoration of America's [...]

Ron Paul in Roanoke Times: Will Republicans bet on Liberty?
C4L Chairman Ron Paul penned an op-ed today in the Roanoke Times calling on the House GOP to reject the Restore America's Wire Act (H.R. 707) which would overturn laws in seven states and ban online gambling. Roanoke is the backyard of House [...]