By Tag "Patriot Act" - page 3

Rand Paul and Mark Sanford: Stop the NSA’s spying on Americans
In an op-ed in The Post and Courier, a South Carolina based newspaper, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul and South Carolina Congressman write that it is time to end the NSA's bulk data collection. From the article: Section 215 allows for secret court [...]

BREAKING: Rand Paul Launches Patriot Act Filibuster
Senator Rand Paul is filibustering the Patriot Act Extension right now on the Senate Floor. You can watch live at: Help C4L Stand With Rand and put pressure on the Senate to end the NSA's spying programs!

Justin Amash: USA FREEDOM Act a step in the wrong direction
Here and below is Justin Amash's official statement explaining why he voted against the USA FREEDOM Act. Thanks to a generous donor who has agreed to match all contributions, Campaign for Liberty is extending the Stop the Surveillance State [...]

Are Furbies a threat to national secuirty?
The NSA once thought so..... In 1999, the National Security Agency banned the popular stuffed animal toy "Furbies" from its headquarters. The reason? Furbies contained a commuter chip that allows them to record conversations of people in the [...]

Pro Wrestling > Congress
Because pro wrestling does not deny that the outcomes are predetermined.... Today, the House of Representatives will vote on the misnamed USA FREEDOM Act. The bill will be considered under a "closed rule," meaning that Representatives are not [...]

Stand With Rand, Oppose Any Patriot Act Extension
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia - Today, Campaign for Liberty encouraged the U.S. Senate to join Senator Rand Paul to oppose any so-called “Patriot” Act extension and reject phony NSA “reform” and finally end the NSA’s bulk collection of innocent [...]

USA FREEDOM Act: One Step Forward?
Some privacy advocates are promoting the compromised USA FREEDOM Act as a step in the right direction. But it seems more like the 80's country song by the Desert Rose Band when they sang, One step forward and two steps back Nobody gets too [...]

Ron Paul Classic: Perfect Safety is not the Purpose of Government
Below and here is then-Congressman and Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's official statement opposing the reauthorization of certain PATRIOT Act provisions, including Sec. 215, in 2011. Campaign for Liberty is working to block renewal of [...]

Congress knows little about NSA, extends its powers anyway
The House of Representatives just passed the USA FREEDOM Act, which extends three sunseting provisions of the PATRIOT Act, including Section 215, the section that the NSA relied on to justify its bulk data collection. The House renewed this [...]

Campaign for Liberty joins anti-phony USA FREEDOM Act Coalition
Campaign for Liberty has joined a coalition of organizations from across the political spectrum, as well as some whistleblowers, in a letter to Congress opposing the USA FREEDOM Act. Text of the letter available here and below. Please help [...]