By Tag "Right Now"

US Government on path to becoming Greece
Jason Ruslle at The Washington Examiner looks at the projections of government debt and finds that, unless America reverses course, we could soon resemble Greece: With all the chaos unravelling in Greece, Congress would be wise to do what it [...]
CBO Director: Ron Paul (and C4L) are right
Well, he didn't really say exactly that, but Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf's recent congressional testimony on the national debt does confirm what Dr. Paul has been saying for years (h/t Breitbart): “Although the [...]
What do Obamacare and the war on ISIS have in common?
The Obama Administration has not been honest with the American people about the costs of either. When he was in Congress, Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul ignored the ten year cost estimates ("scores") of legislation, he was only [...]
Campaign for Liberty to Congress: Don't Bust the Spending Caps
Campaign for Liberty has joined a coalition of free-market groups on a letter to Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price in support of adhering to the current spending caps in all areas, including defense. Campaign for Liberty continues to work for [...]
Campaign for Liberty joins coalition against wasteful spending in the NDAA
Campaign for Liberty has cosigned a coalition letter calling on Congress to reject President Obama's request that this year's National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) authorize spending $202.9 million on the Long Range Anti-ship Missile (LRASM) [...]
House GOP Transportation bill: More Wimpy Budgeting
Today, the House passed legislation (HR 5021) to fund the Highway Trust Fund for one year. Authority for the fund, which provides federal money for transportation projects--defined as including not just highways but mass transit projects, bike [...]