By Tag "Ron Paul" - page 13

To ensure no child is left behind, government must stop all children from getting ahead*
Today the House will vote on HR 5, the Student Success Act. Later this week, the Senate will vote on S. 1177 the Every Child Achieves Act. As the titles suggest, these bills reauthorize and "reform" federal K-12 education [...]

House vote on first step to selling goverment land tomorrow!
This week the House is voting on the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill (HR 2822). Representative Ted Poe, who is sponsoring legislation to finance the highway trust fund by selling off some of [...]

RON PAUL: Obamacare’s Best Allies: The Courts and the Republicans
By ruling for the government in the case of King v. Burwell, the Supreme Court once again tied itself into rhetorical and logical knots to defend Obamacare. In King, the court disregarded Obamacare’s clear language regarding eligibility for [...]

Classic Ron Paul: War on Financial Privacy
Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert's indictment on money laundering changes has brought some renewed public attention to the "crime" of structuring. As detailed here structuring is where an individual makes a cash withdraw or deposit (or a [...]

Soros Pushes US Bailouts and Weapons for Ukraine
If you look at the track record of the interventionists you might think they would pause before taking on more projects. Each of their past projects has ended in disaster yet still they press on. Last week the website Zero Hedge posted a report [...]

Ron Paul's New Book Available for Pre-order
C4L Chairman Ron Paul has a new book coming out later this month entitled, "Swords into Plowshares." Those interested can pre-order the book right now here.

RON PAUL: For Normal Relations With Cuba, End US Interventionism
Last week we saw an encouraging sign that the 50 year cold war between the US and Cuba was finally coming to an end. President Obama announced on Wednesday that the US and Cuba would restore full diplomatic relations and that embassies could be [...]

Ron Paul: What does Jason Chaffetz have against the Internet?
C4L Chairman Ron Paul wrote an op-ed in the Salt Lake City Tribune today attacking Rep. Jason Chaffetz's support of two pieces of legislation limiting Internet freedom: The Restoration of America's Wire Act, and his Internet Sales Tax [...]

RON PAUL: Death Penalty: The Ultimate Corrupt, Big Government Program
Nebraska’s legislature recently made headlines when it ended the state’s death penalty. Many found it odd that a conservatives-dominated legislature would support ending capital punishment, since conservative politicians have traditionally [...]

Congress to vote on American Community Survey this week
This week, the House of Representatives will consider the Commerce, Justice, State, Appropriations bill. Texas Representative Ted Poe will offer an amendment to the bill denying funding for the American Community Survey (ACS). The ACS is an [...]