By Tag "sequestration"
Sequestration, Costs of War, & Syria
By: Michael Clayton With U.S. military intervention in Syria looming, some are worried that sequester cuts to the defense budget will impair the ability of the military to efficiently complete the job, giving the White House an upper hand in [...]
New CBO report good for political posturing, useless for understanding economic malaise
By John Watts This week, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a new report projecting budgetary and economic trends for the next ten years. The CBO does not officially represent either the Democratic or Republican [...]
Like an Addict, DC is Out of Touch with Reality
By John Watts As usual, “histrionics” and high drama are being played up in Washington, D.C. this week, as Obama paints Republicans as reckless for not returning to the negotiating table with purportedly horrific sequestration cuts [...]