By Tag "spending" - page 2

US Builds $43 Million Gas Station in Afghanistan
Remember this the next time Nancy Pelosi says there is nothing left to cut. From Reason: The United States (as in, you and me), paid $43 million to build a compressed natural gas (CNG) station in Sheberghan, Afghanistan. SIGAR researched and [...]
Who Murdered the Middle Class?
The government...specifically the Obama Administration and a Congress led by Democrats who advocate and vote for big government and Republicans who advocate small government while voting for...big government. That is the verdict of Wayne [...]
Ron Paul: Another Phony Budget Debate
C4L Chairman Ron Paul takes on the phony budget debate in the latest edition of Texas Straight Talk. Under Dr. Paul's leaderhsip, Campaign for Liberty will continue to work for Real Cuts, Right Now: Anyone watching last week’s debate over [...]
State Department to spend $400,000 on camel sculpture in Pakistan
From Buzzfeed: The State Department is planning to spend $400,000 in taxpayer funds to buy a sculpture for the new American embassy being built in Islamabad, Pakistan, according to contracting records. To put the sculpture’s price tag into [...]
C4L Letter to the Hill
The following letter was sent today from Campaign for Liberty President John Tate to House and Senate GOP Members urging them to oppose raising taxes: On behalf of over half a million Campaign for Liberty grassroots activists across the country, [...]

Senate DRIVing away liberty
UPDATE: The Senate has removed the provision limiting the ability to those with outstanding felony warrants to receive social security, meaning none of the bill's funding is offset with spending cuts. Instead, the increased transportation funding [...]
House GOP Transportation bill: More Wimpy Budgeting
Today, the House passed legislation (HR 5021) to fund the Highway Trust Fund for one year. Authority for the fund, which provides federal money for transportation projects--defined as including not just highways but mass transit projects, bike [...]
Obama budget gets 2 votes in House!
The House defeated President Obama's budget 2-413 yesterday. On the bright side for the president, this is two more votes than his budget received in either the House or the Senate in 2012. From The Washington Times: Mr. Obama’s 2015 plan, [...]
"We Are Already Over the Fiscal Cliff"
Below is a statement on H.R. 8, the so-called "fiscal cliff" "deal," from our Honorary Chairman Ron Paul: Statement on the Motion to Concur in the Senate Amendments to H.R. 8 We Are Already Over the Fiscal Cliff 2 January 2013 Despite [...]