By Tag "surveillance" - page 2
Congress Pulls Bait-and-Switch on USA FREEDOM Act
Yesterday, C4L sent a letter to members of the House Judiciary Committee strongly opposing the Manager's Amendment to H.R. 3361, the USA FREEDOM Act. The original version of the act was sold to Americans as a way to rein in the NSA's domestic [...]
Rand Paul: The NSA is still violating our rights
In The Guardian today Senator Rand Paul writes that the NSA's metadata collection program violates the constitutional rights of all Americans. The Fourth Amendment states that warrants issued must be specific to a person, place or task and this [...]
Libertarians co-opting anti-NSA rally?
On Monday, Salon published an article by Tom Watson which argued that liberals shouldn't align with libertarians over the fight to roll back NSA surveillance. At issue is the Stop Watching Us rally, of which Campaign for Liberty is a proud [...]
House Republicans Stand with Obama to Spy on Americans
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia- Campaign for Liberty released the following statement from C4L President John Tate condemning the defeat of Representative Justin Amash’s (R-MI) amendment to the House Department of Defense Appropriations Act (H.R. [...]
Peter King pushes for expanded surveillance
by John Watts The country is still on edge and deeply perturbed by the bombings at the Boston Marathon one week ago today. With final casualty counts yet unconfirmed and any alleged suspects remaining unidentified, already the usual [...]
Clapper: NSA conducts warrantless searches on American's emails and phone calls
In a letter to Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, confirmed that the National Security Agency has used a 'loophole' to search the private communications of US Citizens. According to The [...]
Nice Try, Mr. President
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia- Campaign for Liberty released the following statement from C4L President John Tate in response to President Obama’s announcement of NSA reforms: “After months of denial and grassroots pressure, President Obama has [...]
House Republicans Stand with Obama
The following Republicans voted with President Obama and against Rep. Justin Amash's Amendment to stop the NSA from spying on millions of innocent Americans. Is your Congressman on this list? Call them: 202-224-3121 Check out the full roll [...]
Campaign for Liberty Joins Rand Paul to Fight NSA
WASHINGTON, DC- Today, Campaign for Liberty joined Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and other organizations in denouncing the Obama Administration's unconstitutional surveillance programs affecting millions of innocent Americans. “Every American [...]

Iowa's No Fly Drone Zone bill
Senator Kent Sorenson (R-Milo) introduced Senate File 276 (SF 276) at the Statehouse last Wednesday. The bill would place a moratorium on the use of drones by all state agencies in Iowa and strictly prohibit weaponized drone [...]