By Tag "Taxes" - page 4
Ron Paul Classic: Give Parents Control of the Education Dollar
Jason Bedrick of the CATO Institute examines the growing popularity of education tax credits and analyzes a report from the Center for Education Reform providing a "scorecard" for state tax credit laws. Not surprisingly, the study finds that the [...]
Hillary Clinton complains about being broke and high tax rates
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who along with her husband, has made an estimated $100 million since leaving the White House, claims she struggled to make ends meet since leaving the White House. *Sheds Tear* What is most obnoxious [...]
IRS abuses: It did not start with the Tea Party
Those who think that the IRS's targeting of political organizations is a new phenomenon should read James Bovard's "The Sordid History of IRS Political Abuse." Bovard goes through the IRS's sordid history of targeting political opponents [...]
Judge rules it is OK to auction widow's home over $6 tax bill
This is what happens when you give the government the power to tax and is one of the reasons why we continue to fight the IRS. A widow owed her county $6.30 in property taxes and unpaid interest. When she didn't pay- she claims she wasn't aware [...]
Income Inequality Institute Will Pay Paul Krugman $25,000 Per Month
City University of New York will pay Paul Krugman $225,000 to work for the university's Income Study Center, which researches income and income inequality. Via Gawker According to a formal offer letter obtained under New York’s Freedom of [...]
Tax Reform is Useless Without Spending Reform
Here is Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk on why supporters of limited government, free-markets, and individual liberty should not get excited about the chatter about tax "reform" emanating from the Beltway. [...]
IRS awards bonuses to employees who didn't pay taxes
The IRS doled out millions of dollars worth of bonuses to employees with disciplinary issues, including employees who hadn't paid their taxes. Via USA Today: The Internal Revenue Service handed out $2.8 million in bonuses to employees with [...]
White House Launches "Taxpayer Receipt"
Yay! Now you can look at how the Federal Government wisely spent your tax dollars. Interestingly enough, there is no line item for "making death rain from the sky" aka President Obama's drone program that has killed approximately 2,400 people, [...]