By Tag "Taxes"

No (Internet Sales) Taxation without Representation!
Last week the United States Supreme Court, in the case of South Dakota v. Wayfair, ruled that the Constitution’s Commerce Clause allows state governments to force out-of-state businesses to collect state sales taxes. This decision overturns the [...]

This Week in Congress Part One: Raising Taxes
Congress is in session Monday through whenever they pass the end-of-Year spending bill. Today the House is voting on the tax bill, which the Senate is expected to pass tomorrow. While far from perfect, the bill does represent a good step forward [...]

Ron Paul: Don’t Tax the First Amendment
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul recently penned an op-ed for Time magazine explaining why limiting the tax deduction for advertising was a tax on the First Amendment. The article is available here and below: One thing is certain about [...]

Campaign for Liberty to Congress: Cut ObamaCare taxes
Campaign for Liberty has joined a coalition of 45 free-market groups in a letter to Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orin Hatch, calling on him to make sure the Senate's ObamaCare legislation cuts all ObamaCare taxes. The tax cuts are one of [...]

The (mostly) good, the bad, and the ugly in Trump's tax plan
Yesterday, President Trump unveiled a tax "reform" plan. Here is the (mostly) good, a few bad, and one ugly piece of the plan: The Good 1. Lowers taxes for millions of Americans; 2. Removes many Americans from the tax rolls; 3. [...]
KS Leg Can't Be Trusted With Article V
Thanks to you and other concerned Kansans like you, the bill calling for a disastrous Article V Convention was defeated this legislative session, but we can’t let down our guard. You see, many of the legislators who voted for an Article V [...]

Classic Ron Paul: Cut, Don’t Reform Taxes
As the House of Representatives prepares to discuss tax reform this week, they should read Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul’s column, “Cut, Don’t Reform Taxes,” reprinted below. This will remind them why they should offset tax [...]

Will the Swamp Defeat ObamaCare Repeal?
By Senator Rand Paul, originally posted by This week, the Senate will likely move to proceed on a bill to repeal and maybe repeal/replace Obamacare. That’s what we’ve been told. What bill? Good question. Remember that [...]

This week in Congress
The House is in session Tuesday through Friday this week. Before getting into this week's agenda, I have some good news. Late last week, the House pulled HR 1215 from the Congressional schedule. As I wrote last week, this [...]

Ron Paul on Taxes
Since millions of Americas are right now wrestling with their 1040 forms on the eve of the tax filing deadline, this seems like a good time to revisit some of Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's writing on taxes. 1. Cut, Don't Reform [...]