By Tag "thomas massie"
This Week in Congress
The Senate has begun working on S.J. Res. 54, the resolution ending U.S. involvement in Yemen. The final votes will occur later today, after a “vote-a-rama” where senators can offer amendments as long as it deals with U.S. policy. Senator [...]

This week in Congress and Budget and ObamaCare update
The House of Representatives is not in session this week. However, the Senate will be in session considering nominations, including former Congresswoman Heather Wilson's nomination for Secretary of the Air Force and Scott Gottlieb's nomination [...]

Ron Paul Statement on Audit the Fed
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul issued the following statement regarding the introduction of the Audit the Fed bill in the Senate by Senator Rand Paul (KY) and in the House by Representatives by Thomas Massie (KY-04): I applaud my son [...]

Thomas Massie: Audit the Fed!
Representative Thomas Masse (KY-04), lead sponsor of the Audit the Fed legislation, recently penned an Op-Ed for the Kentucky Courtier-Journal laying out the case for passing the bill: Beyond spurious internet ads urging, “Refinance your [...]
It's a Weekday, So Congress is Taking Your Liberities
The House will vote on the Massie-Lofgren Amendment on backdoor searches in a few hours, so Campaign for Liberty members should call their representative to support the amendment. Representatives Massie and Jones are also introducing an [...]

UPDATE: Raw Milk Goes Down, Temporary Defeat of Farm Bill
Unfortunately, Representative Massie’s raw milk amendment to the Farm Bill was defeated by a vote of 79-331. You can see the roll-call vote here. But there is some good, albeit temporary, news. The Farm Bill also went down in defeat today, [...]

Senator Rand Paul and Representive Thomas Massie on Audit the Fed
Senator Rand Paul (KY) and Representative Thomas Massie (KY-03) have both issued press statements regarding their introduction of Audit the Fed legislation (S. 16/H./R. 24). Senator Paul's statement is available here and below: WASHINGTON, [...]

Thomas Massie: Lame-Duck is Dangerous
Pro-liberty Congressman Thomas Massie recently took to the pages of Cincinnati Inquirer to warn about the dangers of the lame duck. You can read read all of Rep. Massie's op-ed here, with experts below: The main business of the lame-duck [...]

This Week in Congress: So Much for Independence Day
The House came back from their Independence Day recess and immediately began working on taking away our liberties. The marquee item of the week was supposed to be an "anti-terrorism" bill containing the Republican version of the Democrats "no [...]

Vote on Ending Warrentless Wiretapping Possible Today!
The House Rules Committee has made the Massie-Lofgren Amendment to the Department of Defense Appropriations bill. The vote is expected today or tomorrow, so Campaign for Liberty members should call their representatives today and tell them to [...]