By Tag "CIA"

Rand Paul: Why I voted against the new CIA director
Personal is Policy, which is why many opponents of mass surveillance, warrantless wiretapping, and other violations of the forth amendment where disappointed when President Trump nominated surveillance state defender Mike Pompeo to serve as CIA [...]
Stretch before jogging? You might be a terrorist
As part of its National Security Initiative (NIS) the Department of Homeland Security, FBI, the Department of Justice, and other federal agencies are working with state and local governments as well as private security firms to collect [...]
US government tried to overthrow Castro with Twitter-like social media site
The United States government attempted to overthrow the Cuban government by creating a social media app to cause unrest in the communist country. From CNN: The AP says U.S. government officials developed an app called ZunZuneo -- named after [...]
Attorney General Eric Holder finally replied to Senator Paul's request on whether the administration believed the President could authorize a lethal drone strike on American soil. It's hard to believe this was his actual response, but then [...]
Drones in Djibouti
The drone wars are expanding. Regardless of who is President after the November election, it's clear there will be no winding down of the drone strike/targeted killing program begun under the Bush administration and drastically expanded by [...]
No CIA, Captain America is the good guy
Last week, I blogged about The Intercept's exposé of the extent of the surveillance state. One of the surveillance programs exposed in the story is a CIA program to “…secretly access databases maintained by foreign countries and extract [...]
End Torture, Shut Down the CIA!
Remember back in April, 2007, when then-CIA director George Tenet appeared on 60 Minutes, angrily telling the program host, “we don’t torture people”? Remember a few months later, in October, President George W. Bush saying, “this [...]
Return of the Church Committee?
By: Matt McBride In 1974, it was revealed that the CIA was involved in illegal intelligence operations against thousands of American citizens. The following year, a special committee, chaired by Idaho Senator Frank Church, was tasked with [...]

Legal and Moral Dilemmas of Drone Strikes in a Free Society
America is now using over 7,500 drones to strike targets in Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Drone strikes in Pakistan alone have killed up to 3,341 people so far, despite a lack of Congressional approval. But besides being [...]