By Tag "Congress"
Congress needs to cut up its credit cards
Congress will soon have to consider whether or not to increase the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling is the government’s credit limit, so once it is reached, the government cannot legally borrow any more money. The Treasury can continue to pay [...]

Will Congress Create Lower Drug Prices?
President Trump has spoken of the need to lower prescription drug prices. One way to do that is to make it easier for manufacturers to bring generic drugs to market. Right now, the process to obtain government approval to bring a generic drug to [...]

This Week in Congress Part One: Raising Taxes
Congress is in session Monday through whenever they pass the end-of-Year spending bill. Today the House is voting on the tax bill, which the Senate is expected to pass tomorrow. While far from perfect, the bill does represent a good step forward [...]
This Week in Congress
The House is in session Monday through Thursday. The Senate is also in session Monday through Thursday. They will consider nominations. On Tuesday the House will consider H.R. 3411. This bill amends the definition of “joint employer” to [...]
This Week in Congress
The Senate comes into session and is likely to spend the bulk of the week on nominations, including a new member of the Federal Communications Commission. The House is in session Monday through Friday. The big bill on the schedule is the Fiscal [...]
This Week in Congress
The Senate has begun working on S.J. Res. 54, the resolution ending U.S. involvement in Yemen. The final votes will occur later today, after a “vote-a-rama” where senators can offer amendments as long as it deals with U.S. policy. Senator [...]
This Week in Congress
The House is in session Monday through Friday. The main item on their agenda is S. 139, legislation reauthorizing Section 702 of the FISA Act, otherwise known as the “crown jewel” of the surveillance state. While S. 139 makes some [...]
This Week in Congress
The House is in session Monday through Thursday. The big event this week is the vote on tax reform which is expected to happen on Thursday. The tax reform bill is generally good, but it still retains Chained CPI, which will eliminate many of he [...]
This Week in Congress
The Senate is in recess this week. The House is in Tuesday through Friday. While not on the schedule, the House may vote on H.Con.Res. 81, a privileged resolution ordering the President to withdraw US troops from Yemen. The results should come [...]

This Week in Congress
The Senate is in session this week and may still vote on “GrahamCare” although at this writing it is unlikely they will find the votes to pass the bill. On Sunday Ted Cruz said he could not support the bill as written, and yesterday Maine [...]