Congress needs to cut up its credit cards

Congress will soon have to consider whether or not to increase the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling is the government’s credit limit, so once it is reached, the government cannot legally borrow any more money. The Treasury can continue to pay [...]

Your life, liberty, and property is a little bit safer

No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.” ― Mark Twain   Of course, Twain was writing before it was common for Presidents to abuse their power with executive orders, otherwise he would [...]

Your deadbeat Uncle Sam...

Ever have a friend or family member who is constantly in debt and whose idea of fiscal responsibility is to get an increase in their credit card limit in order to pay off their debts? Well, we all have such a relative... our Uncle Sam. Since [...]

How the Fed feeds big government and debt

Donald Trump recently caused controversy by commenting that the federal government would never have to default on the national debt because the Fed can just print more money. Of course, since an increase in the money supply devalues the money, [...]

Invest in the future! Invest in... government debt?

Yep, the Obama administration has created a new investment fund that allows private citizens to create Roth IRAs that only invest in Treasury bonds.  Roth IRAs allow individuals to invest after-tax dollars in tax-free investment [...]

More proof that government is out of control and dangerous

Next time some statist tries to tell you that our deficits are because the government is just not taxing us enough, remind them that federal tax revenues are at historic highs and are projected to increase. Despite the new revenue, government [...]