By Tag "EPA"

C4L President Norman Singleton Testifies at EPA Hearing
Campaign for Liberty President Norman Singleton testified before the Environmental Protection Agency this morning regarding the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program for cellulosic biofuel, advanced biofuel, and total renewable fuel for calendar [...]

This Week in Congress: War, Taxes, and Regulations
So what else is new... The House of Representatives comes back to D.C. today. Today, they will consider fourteen bills under suspension of the rules. Among the bills considered is H.Con.Res. 11, a resolution calling on the U.S. Representative [...]
"Cap and Tax" is back!
Shhh… listen closely. You hear that whooshing sound? No, that’s not the wind… That’s the sound of American energy jobs disappearing forever down the drain of political correctness and expediency. The EPA will unveil new rules [...]
More businesses being destroyed than created
According to a new study from the Brookings Institution, between 2009-2011, for the first time since 1978, more businesses were being destroyed than were created. From The Washington Post: The American economy is less entrepreneurial now than [...]
EPA exposed humans to high levels of pollutants
According to a recently released government report, the Environmental Protection Agency has been performing experiments on humans, exposing them to high levels of pollutants, in order to measure their effects. From The Daily Caller The agency [...]

Campaign for Liberty to Congress: Stop the EPA's "climate change" regulations
Campaign for Liberty has joined a coalition letter in support of HR 3880, legislation clarifying that the Clean Air Act does not give the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) authority to regulate "greenhouse gases." The EPA's greenhouse gas [...]

Thomas Massie to EPA: Leave our Wooden Stoves Alone!
Representative Ted Poe is not the only representative offering a pro-liberty amendment to the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill (HR 2822). Representative Thomas Massie will be offering an amendment to forbid the [...]
EPA pays out nearly $500K in unauthorized bonuses
According to a report from the Environmental Protection Agency Inspector General, the EPA gave out $481,819 in unauthorized bonuses between 2006 and 2013. From Fox News: An Inspector General (IG) investigation found that 11 EPA employees [...]