It didn't start with Raw Milk

This morning the House of Representatives will vote on The Commons Sense Nutrition Disclosure Act (HR 2017), legislation making common sense changes to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)'s "menu labeling" rules. Campaign for Liberty supports [...]

If it's Wednesday Congress is violating the Constitution

This week, the House of Representative will vote on the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015 (HR 1599). This legislation preempts state laws regarding labeling of foods containing Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). Instead, the bill [...]

Hey FDA: Let us live!

National Review has a good article out today about loosening the FDA's strict, expensive, and time consuming process for approving potentially life-saving drugs. With the time it takes to bring a new drug to market now taking 12 years and costing [...]

Put the sprinkles down and move away from the Doughnut

No, that is not something Chief Wiggum will say to Homer on a future episode of The Simpsons.  It is something federal agents may soon be saying to Americans who commit the "crime" of putting "sprinkles" on their dessert. This is because the [...]

Seven Cheeses banned in the USA

No, that is not a misprint... the website CheeseRank has a slide show featuring seven cheeses that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned in the USA. Campaign for Liberty members will not be surprised that most of the cheeses were [...]

Ron Paul Classic: End FDA censorship!

One of the most outrageous violations of the First Amendment committed by any part of the federal government is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)'s censorship of truthful healthcare claims about foods, dietary supplements,and other [...]

When they came for the Trans fats.....

Last month our national nannies hard-working officials who have our best interest at heart, officially banned trans fat. Manufactures looking to use trans fat in their products will have to seek special permission to use trans fats. As I wrote [...]

Minimum wage hikes, soda taxes, and tiger selfies?

The start of a New Year brings a raft of New State and Federal Laws.  Many of these laws are anti-liberty and fly in the face of sound economics. For instance, 20 states and many cities are raising their minimum wage. Residents of Berkeley [...]

Hey FDA want to help Ebola (and other) patients? Listen to Ron Paul!

Reason.com editor Nick Gillespie has an article at the The Daily Beast speculating that public focus on Ebola may increase support for the "right to try" movement. This movement supports passage of laws allowing patients with terminal diseases to [...]

Sunscreen on my shoulder is not the FDA's business

On Monday, Congress passed the Sunscreen Innovation Act (HR 4250). This act is designed to reduce the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)'s backlog of applications for approval of new sunscreen ingredients. The bill requires the FDA to make a [...]