By Tag "FDA"

Will Congress Create Lower Drug Prices?
President Trump has spoken of the need to lower prescription drug prices. One way to do that is to make it easier for manufacturers to bring generic drugs to market. Right now, the process to obtain government approval to bring a generic drug to [...]
Now hear this!
Stephen Moore, Distinguished Visiting Fellow for Project for Economic Growth at The Heritage Foundation, recently explained why consumers should be able to purchase a hearing aid without seeking permission from a government-licensed [...]

This week in Congress update: vote on pro-consumer legislation tomorrow
Tomorrow, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce will vote on HR 2430, legislation requiring the FDA's user fee program. At the mark-up Representative Marsha Blackburn is expected to offer an amendment allowing certain hearing aids to be [...]

This Week in Congress: Cold War II, Cures for Liberty, and ...
Congress comes back Tuesday this week. The real work will be done off the floor as Congressional leaders continue to work on an end-of-year spending bill. The debate is not just over spending levels and what gifts to special interests to cram [...]

The World's Greatest Healthcare Plan?
Well no, but it is a good first step.. Representative Pete Sessions (TX-32) and Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) have introduced what they are calling the "world's greatest health care plan" (HR 5284/S. 2985). While the plan itself does not live [...]

Senate to Stop Death by FDA
Today at noon EST, the U.S. Senate is voting on S. 204, legislation which would enshrine the principle of right to try into federal law. Right to try, which is law in 37 states, allows terminally ill patients to use drugs and medical [...]

This week in Congress UPDATE on NDAA and FDA
The FDA user Fee Reauthorizaiton Act will contain the provision allowing individuals to purchase hearing aid without obtaining permission from a government-licensed dispenser. Campaign for Liberty members should call their Representatives and [...]

Potential Committee vote to expand FDA power today
Today the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee will mark up S. 934, the FDA Reauthorization Act. This act renews the FDA's user-fee programs. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) may offer an amendment giving [...]

What to excpect in the Lame Duck: Cures and Creates?
In addition to spending increases and the Obamacare bailout, another issue that may come up in the Lame Duck is the "Cures Act". As I wrote when the Cures Act was passed in 2015, this bill: " with federal funding for medical research. [...]

Your life, liberty, and property is a little bit safer
No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.” ― Mark Twain Of course, Twain was writing before it was common for Presidents to abuse their power with executive orders, otherwise he would [...]