By Tag "Internet Gambling"

Poor Sheldon Adelson
It looks like conservatives oppose his gambling bill... According to the result of the special CPAC poll, 90% of the conservatives oppose giving the federal government new powers to outlaw internet gambling. What is particularly significant [...]
Is the Congress Stacking the Deck on Internet Gambling?
Congress adjourned early this week (HOOORAY) because of an impending snow storm. This storm has forced the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations of the House Judiciary Committee to postpone their scheduled [...]

Norm Singleton discusses the future of efforts to ban online gambling
I recently appeared on the Poker Player's Alliance Podcast to discuss the future of efforts to ban online gambling and other key liberty issues. Listen to the chat with my friend and champion of liberty Rich Munny here.
Big Wins In An Otherwise Bad Bill
There is a lot to be upset about in the new 1603 page "CRomnibus" released late last night, much of which we probably haven't even noticed yet. But Campaign for Liberty scored some important victories in specifically what was not included in [...]