By Tag "Obamacare" - page 3
Campaign for Liberty to HHS: Let us know how much Obamacare will cost in 2017
Campaign for Liberty has joined a coalition letter to the Department of Health and Human Services requesting the HHS realize the 2017 Obamacare state premiums rates before the currently scheduled release date of November 17. Since the rates go [...]
A Dam Has Broken
“It’s kind of like a dam has broken.” That’s what House Minority Leader John Rusche said yesterday about ObamaCare expansion in Idaho. Idaho Republicans are caving on ObamaCare. Reports say they might vote on a “managed care [...]
Special Session for ObamaCare?
Governor Daugaard is so determined to force ObamaCare expansion on you, he’s seriously contemplating a special legislative session to make it happen. He couldn’t muster enough ObamaCare support from Republicans to force his plan through [...]
Nebraska Republicans Embracing ObamaCare
Senators Kathy Campbell and John McCollister are STILL trying to push ObamaCare expansion (L.B. 1032) on Nebraska citizens. And the bad news is more Senators appear to be caving to pressure this year than previous sessions. You see, [...]
STOP ObamaCare Expansion in Idaho
You are paying the health insurance bills for 97% of Obama’s “newly insured.” And if some Idaho legislators get their way, you’ll be paying for even more. ObamaCare stooges swore their scheme would bring prices down, since [...]
Kansas Embracing ObamaCare?
You are paying the health insurance bills for 97% of Obama’s “newly insured.” And if some Kansas legislators get their way, you’ll be paying for even more. ObamaCare stooges swore their scheme would bring prices down, since [...]
ObamaCare expansion is NOT free
This is getting serious. L.B. 1032, the bill that will expand ObamaCare in Nebraska, is expected to come up for debate and a vote on the Senate floor soon. Supporters of this bill grossly underestimated the real cost of expanding. The [...]
Stop ObamaCare in the NH House!
H.B. 1696 passed the House Finance Committee last week, and Representative Hoell needs your immediate help to stop it on the House floor. To end New Hampshire’s ill-advised ObamaCare expansion scheme, the only thing Republican legislators [...]
Idaho Republicans Backing ObamaCare
Idaho Republicans are caving on ObamaCare. Reports say they might even make a last minute attempt to expand it THIS SESSION. Expanding Medicaid entitlements is just plain wrong for Idaho. States that have opted to expand their Medicaid [...]
Stop SD ObamaCare Expansion
You are paying the health insurance bills for 97% of Obama’s “newly insured.” And if Governor Daugaard gets his way, you’ll be paying for even more. ObamaCare stooges swore their scheme would bring prices down, since “everyone [...]