By Tag "lame duck"

Thomas Massie: Lame-Duck is Dangerous
Pro-liberty Congressman Thomas Massie recently took to the pages of Cincinnati Inquirer to warn about the dangers of the lame duck. You can read read all of Rep. Massie's op-ed here, with experts below: The main business of the lame-duck [...]

What To Expect In The Lame Duck: Increased Defense Spending
Nobel Peace Prize winner President Obama may conclude his time in office by increasing defense spending by $6 billion dollars to fight the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (didn't the peace president end those wars?). The Pentagon requested that [...]

What To Expect in the Lame Duck: Obamacare Bailouts?
Passing legislation funding the government is not the only issue facing Congress when it returns for the "lame duck" session. For example, Congress will also need to stop the Obamacare bailout. The law, which even Bill Clinton calls [...]
C4L Joins Coalition Against Removing Massie-Lofgren Amendment
Campaign for Liberty has joined 29 other groups in sending a coalition letter to U.S. House Speaker John Boehner and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi urging the House to keep the Massie-Lofgren amendment in any final Omnibus spending bill it [...]
Just say NO to the Lame Duck
I have examined some of the dangers of the planned "lame duck" sessions of Congress here. Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) share my concerns. They have written a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, pledging to object to [...]

What to expect in the Lame Duck: EximBank
Supporters of Export-Import Bank (Eximbank) failed to attach language changing the bank's quorum requirements, and thus get around Senate Banking Committee Chairman Richard Shelby's block on appointing new members to the Eximbank board, thus [...]

What to expect in the Lame Duck? Internet Sales Taxes
The National Internet Sales Tax Moratorium is the type of issue that Congress loves to push off until the lame duck. After all, why vote on an issue that puts grassroots liberty activists against powerful special interests before a controversial [...]
Another Lame Duck Power Grab
Last week, the House of Representatives passed legislation extending the "temporary" federal terrorism insurance program. Normally this legislation would sail through the Senate, but retiring Senator Tom Coburn is delaying consideration of the [...]
Representative Massie speaks out in defense of his amendment
Yesterday, Dr. Ron Paul commented on reports that the U.S. House Leadership will strip the popular Massie-Lofgren amendment to reform NSA spying programs from the "Omnibus" bill, saying, in part: As disconnected as Congress is from the American [...]
Urgent: Senate to Vote on "Cybersecurity" Bill
Lame duck is in full swing, and Harry Reid has announced the Senate will force a vote before Thanksgiving on so-called "Cybersecurity" legislation. Just before midnight last night, C4L President John Tate sent out an urgent message to [...]