By Tag "Loretta Lynch"

When they came for the climate change deniers.....
We knew Attorney General Loretta Lynch was no friend (to put it charitably) of the Second Amendment or the Fourth Amendment, and is not a strong supporter (again I am being very charitable) of private property rights and the First Amendment's [...]

GOP leadership helped Loretta Lynch
The Hill reports that the Senate leadership whipped Republican Senators to make sure Loretta Lynch received over 60 votes on cloture. The reason they did was that if Lynch received less than 60 votes a Senator could have raised a point of order [...]

Phony Civil Asset "Reform"
In January, outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder announced some "reforms" of the "Equitable Sharing Program." This program allows the State and local government to equitably share in the proceeds of...civil asset theft. While the pro-Obama [...]
Ted Cruz: No Senator Who Takes Oath Seriously Should Vote For Lynch
Senator Ted Cruz recently took to the pages of Politico to explain why he opposes Loretta Lynch's nomination for Attorney General: When asked how she would be different from Eric Holder—the most partisan attorney general our nation has ever [...]

The disgraceful cave-in on Lynch
Andrew McCarthy, writing at National Review, has a must-read piece on the Senate leadership's cave-in on Loretta Lynch. Read the whole thing here, with excerpts below: On Thursday morning, top Republican strategist Karl Rove proclaimed, “The [...]

Tell Senate: Reject Loretta Lynch!
Tomorrow morning the US Senate will vote on "cloture" on Loretta Lynch's nomination for Attorney General. As detailed here Lynch is a strong support of "civil asset" theft, where the government takes people's property without granting them due [...]

DEA tracking your calls since 1992
In my recent remarks on the PATRIOT Act I remarked that a lot of the PATRIOT Act consisted of proposals the Justice Department had been seeking for years but was unable to get through Congress until the panicked atmosphere following the 9-11 [...]
Rand Paul: Lynch lacks "Compassion for Victims of Civil Asset Forfeiture"
Speaking to Breibart news, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul explained why he is joining Campaign for Liberty in opposing Loretta Lynch's nomination to be Attorney General: “I oppose her primarily because I don’t think she’s shown any compassion, [...]