By Tag "Marketplace Fairness Act"

Don’t Let Congressional Grinches Tax Christmas
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia - Today, Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton released the following statement in response to attempts to attach Internet sales tax legislation to the Omnibus spending bill, the tax extenders bill, or any other [...]

Why does Jason Chaffetz hate the Internet so much?
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia - Today, Campaign for Liberty responded to Rep. Jason Chaffetz’s continued assault on Internet Freedom with his introduction of the so-called Remote Transactions Parity Act. The legislation would turn federalism on its [...]
Campaign for Liberty stands against Internet Sales Tax
C4L Vice President of Policy Norm Singleton spoke at a press conference last week against the Internet Sales Tax. C4L members should be on the lookout for attempts to pass the Internet Sales Tax in the lame duck session.
Privacy: Yet another reason to Oppose the Internet Sales Tax
Not that you needed another reason to oppose the so-called "Marketplace Fairness Act" or the Internet Tax Mandate that would force small businesses to collect sales taxes on behalf of over 9,600 tax jurisdictions nationwide. But what about [...]

Ron Paul: What does Jason Chaffetz have against the Internet?
C4L Chairman Ron Paul wrote an op-ed in the Salt Lake City Tribune today attacking Rep. Jason Chaffetz's support of two pieces of legislation limiting Internet freedom: The Restoration of America's Wire Act, and his Internet Sales Tax [...]
Cities using tax dollars to lobby for Internet Sales Tax
It's not enough that politicians in Washington want you to pay taxes on everything you buy on the Internet. Your city and state are likely using your tax dollars to lobby politicians in Washington to raise your taxes! States and localities are [...]
Are the statists that afraid of us? Guess so
Earlier today, Norm Singleton joined Congressmen Thomas Massie and Steve Daines, Senator Ted Cruz, and more at a press conference on Capitol Hill to speak out against the National Internet Tax Mandate. Make no mistake, the only reason the [...]
Cruz: Keep the Internet Tax Free
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) spoke on the floor of the Senate today arguing why we should keep the Internet tax-free. At issue is the attempt to attach the National Internet Sales Tax to the Internet Access Tax Moratorium bill. Tax-and-spend [...]
Campaign for Liberty Strongly Opposes Internet Sales Tax Bill
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia - Today, Campaign for Liberty again came out strongly against the so-called “Marketplace Fairness Act,” which the Senate is considering attaching to the “Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act,” despite wide opposition [...]