By Tag "Norm Singleton"

Ron Paul and Norm Singleton on Christopher Wray's nomination as FBI director
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and President Norm Singleton issued the following statements regarding President Trump's nomination of Christopher Wray as FBI director. Ron Paul -- The United States Constitution makes no provision for a [...]
This week in Congress: Will the Government Shut Down?
Not likely, but we can always hope. . . The House is coming back from its two-week "spring break." The big item on the agenda is the Continuing Resolution (CR), which funds the government. Some Democrats have threatened to block passage of [...]

President Trump's War on Liberty
Campaign for Liberty President Norman Singleton issued the following statement regarding President Donald Trump's declaration of war on the House Freedom Caucus: It is disappointing that President Trump has declared war on some of the most [...]

Steve Bannon and Norm Singleton on The Future of Conservatism
Those looking for insights into Chief White House Strategist Steve Bannon's philosophy and outlook may be interested in his remarks on "The Future of Conservationism," a panel discussion Mr. Bannon participated in back in September, [...]

WATCH: Norm Singleton at Patriot Act Briefing
On Tuesday, C4L VP of Policy Norm Singleton spoke at a policy briefing on the Hill on the Patriot Act, NSA spying, and the surveillance state. Watch here:

Ron Paul and Norm Singleton on President Trump's budget
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Dr. Ron Paul and President Norman Singleton released the following statements regarding President Trump's budget: Ron Paul-- For all the hand-wringing by the left (and celebrations) by the right) over how [...]

Ron Paul and Norm Singleton on Syria
Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton made the following comments regarding President Trump's unilateral bombing on Syria: "President Trump's launch of military action in Syria represents a betrayal of the Americans who hoped he would [...]

Campaign for Liberty President Norman Singleton's testimony before Congress
Below is my official statement before the House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. If you have not yet seen the hearing, you can watch it here. The opportunity to testify before the Oversight Committee was a [...]

Norm Singleton discusses the future of efforts to ban online gambling
I recently appeared on the Poker Player's Alliance Podcast to discuss the future of efforts to ban online gambling and other key liberty issues. Listen to the chat with my friend and champion of liberty Rich Munny here.
Despite the Snow, Audit the Fed is Good to Go!
C4L President John Tate received an update from VP of Policy Norm Singleton on Audit the Fed earlier, and Senator Rand Paul will indeed be introducing the Senate companion to H.R. 24 today. While the list isn't publicly available yet, insiders [...]