By Tag "Internet Sales Tax"

No (Internet Sales) Taxation without Representation!
Last week the United States Supreme Court, in the case of South Dakota v. Wayfair, ruled that the Constitution’s Commerce Clause allows state governments to force out-of-state businesses to collect state sales taxes. This decision overturns the [...]

What to expect in the Lame Duck? Internet Sales Taxes
The National Internet Sales Tax Moratorium is the type of issue that Congress loves to push off until the lame duck. After all, why vote on an issue that puts grassroots liberty activists against powerful special interests before a controversial [...]

Ron Paul Classic: Internet Sales Taxes Crush Small Bussinesses
With Representative Jason Chaffetz, the lead sponsor of the "Remote Transactions Parity Act," (H.R. 2775),the House version of the National Internet Sales Tax Mandate, seeking to succeed John Boehner as Speaker of the House, this seems like a [...]

Ron Paul: What does Jason Chaffetz have against the Internet?
C4L Chairman Ron Paul wrote an op-ed in the Salt Lake City Tribune today attacking Rep. Jason Chaffetz's support of two pieces of legislation limiting Internet freedom: The Restoration of America's Wire Act, and his Internet Sales Tax [...]

Why does Jason Chaffetz hate the Internet so much?
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia - Today, Campaign for Liberty responded to Rep. Jason Chaffetz’s continued assault on Internet Freedom with his introduction of the so-called Remote Transactions Parity Act. The legislation would turn federalism on its [...]
Economy-Wrecking Taxes Coming Your Way
The 2017 legislative session is barely underway, and Governor Matt Mead is already threatening to raise your tax burden. Last week, news broke that Governor Mead had entered an agreement with Internet giant Amazon to collect sales taxes on all [...]
Stop MORE Taxes Coming Your Way
In 2016, we face the threat of more and more taxes. Internet sales tax bill S.B. 106 is coming up for a hearing and will shortly be on its way to the Senate floor for a vote. Online sales taxes would impose high costs of compliance on [...]

Will Dave Trott Sell Out?
Please read this important update from Michigan C4L President Tony DeMott: I just got a remarkable email from Norman Singleton, Campaign for Liberty’s Senior Vice President: Tony, I just heard that Congressman Dave Trott (MI-11) may be the [...]

Campaign for Liberty to Congress: Read our lips No New Internet Sales Taxes
Campaign for Liberty has cosigned a letter to the House of Representatives opposing the "Remote Transactions Parity Act "(HR 2775), the latest (and worse) attempt to impose sales taxes on internet commerce. Campaign for Liberty members should [...]
Campaign for Liberty Strongly Opposes Internet Sales Tax Bill
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia - Campaign for Liberty came out strongly today against the reintroduction of the grossly misnamed “Marketplace Fairness Act,” (S.698) which was reintroduced yesterday afternoon by Senator Mike Enzi [...]