By Tag "USA Freedom Act"
This Week in Congress Wrap Up
The House resumed a semi-“normal” schedule this week as they began using “proxy voting.” I’ll be posting an in-depth explanation of the new proxy voting rules next week. What a week it was! The House was scheduled to vote on H.R. [...]
ACTION ALERT: Crucial surveillance votes this week
For years, Campaign for Liberty supporters like you have worked to roll-back the surveillance state and restore the Fourth Amendment. And this week, we may see those efforts pay off as the House of Representatives will vote on legislation [...]

USA Freedom Act: Ron Paul was right again
During the debate over the USA Freedom Act, Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul wrote that: However, Edward Snowden's revelations have galvanized opposition to the NSA’s ongoing violations of our liberties. This is why Congress will soon [...]

Campaign for Liberty Joins Coalition Against New Pro-surveillance Bills
Campaign for Liberty has joined a broad coalition of organizations in sending a letter to the Senate opposing the FISA Improvements Act of 2015 and the the FISA Reform Act of 2015. These pieces of legislation are being promoted by surveillance [...]

Campaign for Liberty supports the End Warrantless Surveillance Act
Campaign for Liberty has joined a coalition of anti-surveillance state groups from across the political spectrum in support of the End Warrantless Surveillance Act (HR 2233), legislation introduced by Republican Representative Ted Poe (TX-02), [...]
BREAKING: Swing the hammer on spying
*** BREAKING: Deep State's SHAM FISA reform scheme pulled from House floor before vote. Late last night, Nancy Pelosi pulled SHAM FISA reform bill (H.R. 6172) before the scheduled vote to reauthorize the so-called "USA Freedom Act" (aka the [...]
A shame?
"I think it'd be a shame to let these authorities expire . . . We should extend these authorities." ~Sen. Lindsey Graham After more than a year of grandstanding about the Deep State’s spying abuses, Senator Graham just made it abundantly clear [...]

USA FREEDOM may bring bulk collection back from the dead
Not even George Orwell could make this stuff up..... Next time someone tries to tell you that the USA FREEDOM Act somehow protects our liberty, remind them that bill is actuality being used by the Obama Administration to justify resuming bulk [...]

Bruce Fein Schools Neocon on Surveillance State
Writing in the Huffington Post, Bruce Fein, former associate deputy attorney general and general counsel of the Federal Communications Commission under President Reagan, corrects the numerous errors made in Andrew McCarthy's defense of the [...]

Another lie from the Surveillance State Defenders
Defenders of the Sec. 215 "bulk data" collection program claim that there is "not a single documented case where the program has been used to violate an individual's rights or otherwise been abused." March Wheeler, at Empty Wheel, examines this [...]